Happy New Year -2024

6 Jan by David Bartolo

Happy New Year everyone and hope everyone had a good break but can’t wait to start playing again.
A reminder to register and pay the deposit by 14/1/24 in order to secure your spot in the 2024 Summer Season – just complete the form and transfer the funds. Some have registered but not paid their deposit – we need this to ensure we have everyone registered with TTV before we commence Round 1.
Saturday coaching will commence on 13/1/24 from 8:30am.
Grading will commence on Sunday 14/1/24 from 2-4pm followed by Monday 15/1, Wednesday 17/1 and Thursday 18/1 nights from 7:30pm.
Keenagers will commence Tuesday 16/1 and Friday 19/1 both from 9-11am.
Look forward to seeing everyone back in 2024.

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